
Happy-Hour Webinar on Thursday, 10 September 2020 (1 CPE)

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Date(s) - 10/09/2020
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Categories No Categories

Topic Certain Uncertainty with Business Agility
Speaker Ms. Rose Chu, Seasoned Business Agility Coach & Community Leader, Greater China BAM, Business Agility Institute

Rose is a seasoned international speaker with experience as head of IT & executive business & operational management in multiple international financial institutions, government bodies.  Currently, a passionate & committed executive management & business agility coach in organization agility with solid experience in evolving a traditional to hybrid-adaptive agile delivery environment, in both business & non-profit making organizations.

Rose had experience as executive & agile coach to a smart city project and a government department, helped developing a value-driven agile based project management/governance guide & conducted internal audit reviews focusing on project management/governance related aspects.

Abstract “The world is changing more rapidly than ever before and organisations of every size are struggling to remain relevant in the eyes of their customers. The simple fact that the average lifespan of a company has decreased by more than 50 years in the last century demonstrates that not all organisations are prepared for this new reality. It is only high-performing, adaptable and agile organisations that will leverage, lead and thrive in this ambiguous and unpredictable market. We call this business agility.

The problem with a statement like that is that there is no common definition of what business agility means. And that’s actually a good thing. In a dynamic and changing market trying to lock it down will defeat the very advantage it brings.” Evan Leybourn, CEO & Co-Founder of BAI.

This webinar will operate in workshop mode contributed by participants & the speaker will act as facilitator.

Points of Discussion:

1.     What is business agility & in what ways would this be related to Agile IT?

Participants will be assigned to breakout rooms for 3 minutes following sharing by group

2.     Introduction of Domains of Business Agility

A brief introduction by the speaker

3.     What are/could be the changes to conducting audits (internal & external) you have came across in your organization related agile IT/business agile initiatives?

Participants will be assigned to breakout rooms for 3 minutes following sharing by group.

4.     Q&A

Date Thursday, 10 September 2020
Time 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Online Platform Zoom (Information to access this seminar will be provided to each registrant via email 3 days before the event)
Fees – ISACA Member: Free of charge
– Non Member: HK$300
Language Conducted in English
CPE Hour One
Deadline Before 5pm, Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Registration • ISACA Member:
Please ready the below instruction before register the event:Online Registration·       For Member of HKCS/ HKICPA/ CPA Canada/ IIA HK and Non-Member, please complete the reservation reply and return to
Remarks Please note that Chapter will report your CPE Hour directly to the ISACA HQ. To complete the process, please make sure you have entered the following information correctly when registering for the event:

• A valid ISACA ID (6 or 7 digits and not the certification number)
• Name and Email address (Same as the one you registered at ISACA)

We will keep you informed once CPE recording to ISACA is completed. To check your ISACA ID, please log in your account at

Enquiries Please contact our Administrative Team at (+852) 8101 2801 or email to